A Look Back to 2012
We thank Jesus Christ for all of you. Our Lord and Savior continues to bless Hearts For The Lost. This past year saw many new things for us. We were able to provide evangelism training for many new churches, start this newsletter, add some new faces, revamp our website, become an official non-profit ministry plus had many new opportunities to share the gospel through one-to-one encounters, street evangelism and mall ministry. Already this year God has provided some incredible ways to increase the impact of our biblical evangelism training. We will be sharing some of these exciting outlooks in future newsletters. Please continue to pray that God will use us for His pleasure to reach the lost with His precious good news. We thank those whom God has provided to give the support that keeps this ministry going. Your kindness and generosity is appreciated. If you haven’t yet considered joining us with monthly support to grow Hearts For The Lost so we can train more workers for Christ please do so. We need your help! Visit our site for information as to how you can help or have us come to your church for free.
“There is only a certain amount of time left to reach the lost!“
Kirk Cameron