What is the mission of Hearts for the Lost?
Our ministry was formed with several purposes: To glorify God and to provide an opportunity for believers to participate in the Great Commission through the proclamation of the gospel by word and deed. This is accomplished by showing others how to effectively communicate the gospel to friends, family, and even strangers in a way that is biblical, loving, and effective.
Who are the Hearts for the Lost?
Our team is a small fellowship of believers who have united under a common interest and calling to labor in the Great Commission. We want to clearly communicate that we have no purpose for self-promotion and have no ambition except to obey the Lord’s will, and know that if we were to perish tomorrow it would not hinder the mighty advance of God’s will nor diminish the increase of His harvest. We exist and seek to bear fruit worthy of His name only by His gracious purpose and know that He will make His Name great among the nations with or without us. Therefore, we trust God for His all-sufficient grace that we might be of some useful service to the Master in the endeavor of evangelism and ensuring He receives glory in our labors. We know that if His Spirit is not leading our efforts, then they are all in vain. We know that He is not served by human hands as though He needed anything (Acts 17:24, 25).
While our confidence is in God’s unhindered and unlimited ability to accomplish all He has decreed, it is with an attitude of gratitude that we seek to passionately serve the Lord. Salvation alone is our motive for laboring in the Great Commission, for we know He did not have to save us in light of our sinfulness. Our team consists of men who grew up in churches believing we were saved when in fact we were not. We were only tares among the wheat (Matthew 13:24-30) and merely lukewarm and unregenerate false converts who felt their good works would save them, unaware that the Master would have to say “Depart from me, I never knew you” on the day of judgment. It is through God’s long-suffering and mercy that He saved us, and because of His grace our passion is to labor in the Great Commission. Our testimonies claim that in Christ alone our hope and salvation is found, and His Spirit is our help in walking closer with Him daily to bear fruit worthy of His Name.
In 2007 our team members met and created the ministry Hearts For The Lost. The goal was to assist believers in learning biblical evangelism, while also reaching out to people in the church who are false converts just as we were. In addition to creating events to assist church congregations, our ministry was also formed as an outlet to spreading the gospel regularly in our own local community.
What does Hearts for the Lost do?
We seek to assist local pastors and church congregations by helping them equip the saints with biblical principles in regards to personal evangelism. We do not teach “evangelistic methods” but rather we look to Scripture alone to learn how to share our faith with others. Our services are meant to be a supplement to the pastor’s vision for his church body and not a hindrance. We offer our events only at your request and require that the pastor is on board and participate with what we do.
All of our services are 100% FREE. We travel anywhere in the US on our dime because we feel that the gospel and sharing it biblically are that important. We pay for any and all travel expenses so that churches can get this message to their flocks effectively. We have currently conducted seminars in Florida, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin. We believe that if the Holy Spirit is leading these labors, then He will provide for our financial needs to labor in this ministry. So far, He has taken care of all of our needs in the past and we are making plans now for future events. Additionally, we continue to schedule local outreach events to share the Gospel in our own local communities.
We use presentations, video examples, question and answer sessions, and in-the-field training. Our seminars are titled “Compelled” because our events will encourage believers to “Compel” us to labor in the Great Commission in a biblical manner. We provide an opportunity for attendees to come with us (not required, but we encourage them if they are able to) after the event to local communities to watch or even participate with us in sharing the Gospel. Our presentations emphasize that personally sharing your faith is just as important as prayer or reading the Bible, and is something any believer can do. We believe that evangelism is a command, and not a suggestion. The Christian who is truly passionate about the glory of God and confident in His sovereignty will not be unmoved by the billions of people in the world who have yet to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We teach that the lost multitude of humanity will move believers to compassion and that the sincerity of our Christian confession should be questioned if we are not willing to do all within our means to spread the Gospel and to endure all things for the sake of God’s elect. (II Timothy 2:10).
Because sharing the Gospel is important to us as believers, we should also see the necessity of sharing it CORRECTLY in accordance with Scripture and not in a manner that best suits our understanding. If a doctor gave you a cure for a disease that is killing you, you would want to make sure that you take that cure correctly right? What could happen if you didn’t follow the directions on the medicine bottle correctly? You could get sick, sicker, or even die as a result. And so it is with evangelism: We must proclaim the Gospel in a correct biblically-based manner and not by any “man-made methods” that only weaken the Word of God and could produce false converts. Thus, we look to the Master Evangelist Jesus Christ as an example to see what is biblical and what is not.