1.) Free Downloadable Letter
Do you have someone in your family or maybe a friend that is not saved? Do you want to reach them for Christ? We at Hearts For The Lost have put together a downloadable word document that is a letter you can send to your unsaved loved ones. Its easy. All you have to do is download it, save it to your computer and then customize it by adding your personal information (greeting, signature). All the hard work has been done for you so now there is no excuses. Do not hesitate. You only have a certain amount of time left to reach those you love with the saving message of Christ.
Letter to Unsaved Loved Ones.doc
Click Link Above For a Downloadable Letter to Send
2.) Witnessing tool: Survey form
Do you have trouble beginning a witness encounter? Don’t be discouraged, this happens to most people. To help you we have develop a form that can be used as a survey. Just print it out and attach it to a clip board. It will walk you through a set of questions to guide you through a biblical presentation of the law and gospel.