"Have a Heart & Go Share Your Faith!" - Hearts For The Lost: The Podcast

Photo by Angelina Odemchuk

Host a Compelled Conference

Why Host a Free Compelled Conference?

Because we should be compelled by love and gratitude for what Christ has done for us. This will move us to action in our lives. Compelled is a conference that is not only going to equip you to share the gospel biblically but help you discern biblical truth. In addition to teaching from the members of the Hearts For The Lost ministry; David, Greg, Scotty, Adam, and Blair…you will get to hear from other great speakers. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear from so many in one day for free.


Compelled is a large format conference that provides your church with biblical evangelism training and equips your congregation to become active in the local church’s community outreach. If you are interested in host a Compelled Conference please contact going to our contact page.

If you are unable to host a Compelled Conference please check out our Compelled Training program that is designed with smaller sized congregation in mind.

Please note that the Hearts For The Lost places the role of the Local Church as the only God-given authority for evangelistic outreach. As such we work with the local pastor to assist his vision in this area.

Past Compelled Conferences: