Hearts For The Lost – Christian Store – Books and Media
About our Christian Book & Media Store:
Find Christian books, videos, Cds and other products we have available that are unique to our ministry in our Christian store. All purchases help support the Hearts for the Lost ministry to provide free services and evangelism training to the local church. Please help us by making a purchase or becoming a monthly supporter. Purchases benefit the Hearts For The Lost ministry
Products Available:
Compelled Conference DVD w/ Todd Friel- DVD $20.00
Compelled Lexington contains biblical teaching from Pastors Mike Gonzalez and Emilio Ramos as well as the host from Wretched Radio Todd Friel. Compelled Lexington is part of the Hearts for the Lost ministry which brings teaching on biblical evangelism to churches across the US and beyond. Click the image to purchase.
An Important Message for Ladies: by Trisha Ramos- Audio CD $10.00
Hearts for the Lost is happy to present a message from our friend Trisha Ramos. This message is designed specifically for women to encourage them to live their lives fully for Jesus and to reach other with His message of Eternal Life. Trisha delivers her talk peppered with humor, real life examples, and practical tips how, as a women you can make an impact in the lives of others; and impact that will last for entirety. Click the image to purchase.
Heaven is Full of Bad People: Hell is for those who think they’re good- Book $5.98
This is a great book to leave behind after a witness encounter. It contains the Gospel of John and 1 John. It also has a very strong gospel message at the beginning of the book which uses the Law before Grace principal. Authored by HFTL member Blair Radney. Click Image to purchase.
True Repentance: A Hunter’s Pursuit– Book $9.99
This book was written with the outdoors men in mind. It breaks down the essential content of true biblical repentance. It is based on the works of Thomas Watson. The author uses many different hunting stories to bring this biblical truth to life. It also begins with a clear biblical gospel message. Recommended for your Christian and “Semi-Christian” friends. Authored by HFTL team member Blair Radney Click image to purchase.
Other items coming soon to our Christian store.