We recently had a special gift from a ministry friend of some books by Ray Comfort, Paul Washer and others. We would like to offer them to you as a gift of appreciation to anyone who makes a donation of $25 or more starting today. Just place in the special message section you first, second and third choice along with a shipping address and we will send it to you. All books are one a first come first serve basis. Please remember that your gift will be used to support Hearts For The Lost mission trips and event to bring the gospel to the unreached and to train up other evangelist for work in the Kings fields.
Available Books
Spurgeon Gold – compiled by Ray comfort
A Pastor’s Sketches – conversations with anxious souls concerning the way to salvation – Ichabod Spencer
Comfort food – delectable devotions to satisfy the soul – Ray comfort
How to win souls and influence people -Ray comfort
Hollywood be thy name – Ray comfort
Tell the truth -Will Metzger
What did Jesus do – Ray comfort
Why prolife – Randy Alcorn
Experiencing the presence of God , A W Tozer compilation – Randy Alcorn
The gospel’s power and message- Paul washer
World religions In a nutshell -Ray comfort
A weed in the church -Scott T Brown
The defenders guide for life’s toughest questions – Ray comfort
What Hollywood believes- Ray comfort