Locked Up in Oklahoma
We had an opportunity in Oklahoma City with a prison ministry to go to the local prison and talk to some inmates. I have to confess, my brother in ministry Adam West and myself were a bit nervous as we have never been witnessing at a prison. The evening before, we had dinner together with another member, Scotty Logue (who was with us now) and it just so happened I had picked on him for ordering a cut of steak called the “cowgirl”. Well, now the shoe was on the other foot. Scotty is an administrator in a prison facility, therefore he was very comfortable being in a prison situation. So when it was time to go into an open bay with prisoners, Adam and myself followed Scotty around liked whipped little pups with tails between their legs. We deserved getting picked on.
A Conversation with Carlos
Scotty set us up an opportunity for us to talk to one of the young men and it became a great conversation. The young man we met was named Carlos who was from Mexico. He taught himself English by comparing the the Spanish and English bible translations. We found this amazing. We explained to him that we were there to share the gospel. Carlos said he had been saved while he was in prison and was thankful for being there because it led to his conversion. He asked us some very good questions about God and the scriptures that he had always wanted to know. He asked us to pray for him because he was concerned that at any time he might be attacked and have to defend himself. This response could get him into to trouble. It was a very difficult situation. We prayed for Carlos and explained that we would remain in touch with him for encouragement. Last week I sent him an evidence Bible along with another book.
Please pray for Carlos and the others whom the Lord has saved while in prison and that they would serve Christ boldly where they are.