"Have a Heart & Go Share Your Faith!" - Hearts For The Lost: The Podcast

“Hell’s Best Kept Secret” – Ray Comfort

Why are so many unbelievers turning away from the message of the Gospel? Doesn’t the Bible tell us how to bring sinners to true repentance? If so, where have we missed it? The answer may surprise you. Discover when, why, and how the enemy buried an important key needed to unlock the unbeliever’s heart. Now Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron boldly break away from modern tradition and call for a return to biblical evangelism. If you’re experiencing evangelical frustration over lost souls, unrepentant sinners, and backslidden “believers,” then look no further. This radical approach could be the missing dimension needed to win our generation to Christ. “After a thousand revivals and area crusades, I have used a lot of soul-winning materials. ‘Hell’s Best Kept Secret’ is the greatest single tool I have ever found.” –Larry Taylor, Evangelist “Hell’s Best Kept Secret” is also available in DVD, CD, and book format. We have a FREE downloadable MP3 (in multiple languages) of the full sermon of the same name from Ray Comfort that this video was based on, as well as free study sheets at https://www.hellsbestkeptsecret.com This video is from our “Basic Training Course”–which is based on our TV program “The Way of the Master.” Each BTC video is co-hosted by bestselling author Ray Comfort and actor Kirk Cameron. It’s available at: https://tinyurl.com/oayxma6 – Ray Comfort (Living Waters Ministry)