Often times a sign can communicate far more than what is actually written on its surface. Although the message itself may seem simple and innocent enough there are often times when one will catch your eye and cause you to do a double take, then scratching your head, you say, huh?
After being saved, God took me out of an office environment and placed me in a new occupation in which I had the opportunity to observe the countryside through a windshield. I think I have seen more of South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia than most people who have lived here most of their lives. In my many travels around the three states I have taken note of many different types of messages written in various places; particularly on billboards church Marquis and bumper stickers.
Prior to receiving grace, I did not often take notice of things like this. But now after being mercifully brought into the light I can see just how dark the world really is and how much of a part of it I am.
Because of the darkness that surrounds it, all of mankind cannot see its own depravity. A light must shine or else mankind is doomed to the darkness forever. “For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life” – Proverbs 6:23
In his book titled, “Hells Best-Kept Secret” author Ray Comfort states: “And sadly, what’s happened in the US and the Western world has followed, is that we have preached the cure without first convincing of the disease. We have preached a gospel of grace without first convincing men of law, that they are transgressors, and consequently almost everyone I tried to witness to in Southern California or around the Bible Belt, has been born again six or seven times”
“The law of the Lord is perfect in converting the soul” – Psalm 19:7
“…wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ” – Galatians 3:24
“…I had not known sin but by the law” – Romans 7:7
The Bible has made it perfectly clear that the law must be taught prior to grace being understood. If a person does not understand their dreadful sinful desperate and depraved nature then there will be no reason for this person ever to flee to Christ. Further ideas and concepts such as punishment for sin, condemnation, judgment and the perfect justice of God thusly cannot be understood.
Preaching and teaching the law is not an easy thing to do nor does it make us comfortable, especially in our secularized society. Secularization of a culture occurs when shame has been removed. Preaching and teaching the law exposes that shame and therefore makes it difficult for us and others to accept. Nevertheless our task as evangelists is not to save sinners, for this is the work of God alone, nor to judge or condemn them for this also is the work of God alone, but rather to get the message of Law and Grace correct.