The Hearts For The Lost team was truly blessed with the support we received that allowed us (David,Adam & Blair) to go to NYC and share the gospel with the lost and hurting people of this area. It was a truly fruitful time.
We were able to go to a few different areas, Central Park, China Town, Riverside Park & Times Square. However, Times Square we found to provide the best opportunities. We only wish we had more time to spend there. On Saturday, we labored most of the day in this area. About mid-day we tried delivering the gospel through the open air (We spoke to the local police officers and was told to go for it.) It was during this time one of us was speaking to a few people who had gathered to hear what he was saying. One man stood alone and he said to him, “You look like you’re in deep thought. What are you thinking?” He responded by saying, “I’m feeling convicted.” This man’s name was Kareem. He is a fellow Christian but was struggling with the fact he had not been sharing his faith. God was speaking to him that he needed to join the church and place himself under the leadership of his pastor. He stayed with us for that afternoon. We have been staying in contact with our new friend and he has already begun to step out in faith and share Christ. Please keep Kareem in your prayers that Christ will lead him through his struggles to bring Him glory.
Many others came by as well, conversed with us and gave thought to the gospel. In Times Square we were able to have many gospel conversations; some with people from across the globe. One conversation was with two young men named Darryl and Marty. They had gone to church but did not understand the gospel. Darryl especially was touched by the message. After we spoke he came back with his friend. He said he had walked down and saw some nude women painted up near us. He felt convicted over it and told his friend they shouldn’t be looking at her. He came back to tell me that and wanted to know more about Christ. We spent more time with him and gave him a bible.
I could go on and on with the stories. We had dozens of similar conversations. Each person we spoke to is a person who needs Christ and has their own distinct background and experiences. In some you can see the Holy Spirit at work and others with hard hearts yet to be broken. Each of these people would never darken the door of the church so the importance of finding a way to bring the church to them should be viewed as a rescue mission.
I hope this report encourages you. And God willing we will be back soon to labor more in NYC. There are so many people and so few laborers. Let’s pray to the Lord of the harvest for more workers.
If you have a church in NYC we would love to come to you and present our biblical evangelism training seminar, “Stepping Up and Stepping Out” for free.