The topic of whether a Christian should participate in Halloween or to what extent can become a very controversial topic. I know some who allow their kids to dress up in bland costumes and others who turn off the lights and lock the doors. Regardless of which side of this issue you fall while exercising your Christian freedom, I would like you to consider that this is the one day that you’re guaranteed to have dozens or even hundreds of knocks on your door from greedy little children and parents willing to take whatever you offer. So why not offer living water?
Redeeming Halloween
My wife and I moved into our current home over a dozen years ago. It was Halloween evening when we left the settlement office and headed to our new house to see what we had bought. What a mistake. We were surrounded by children begging for candy as if it were required for life. We ran out of what little supply of sweets we picked up at the convenience store and made a mad dash for our car before getting smothered by miniature superheroes and princesses. But this sparked an idea. Since that time we have given out hundreds of gospel tracts each Halloween.
Over the years of practicing this we have never been turned down. In fact one year I started just putting the million dollar tracts around the sides of the candy dish. Would you believe the kids grab the tracts first and sometimes in lieu of the candy! Above is a picture of how we typically give out our tracts. Sometimes we have put them in bags with candy or handed them directly. We have used 10 commandment coins, money type or other fun gospel tracts. Don’t be surprised if the children remember your house the following year.
So if you have never done this before, begin to redeem the time you have and share the message of Christ with your neighborhood.