Do you have a small business that you would like to promote? Consider becoming a sponsor of Hearts For The Lost as we work together to preach the gospel to a dying world.
Why Sponsor Hearts For The Lost?
Your sponsorship helps our team of volunteers to be able to provide evangelism training to churches around the US and Canada for free. Each of our members are unpaid and donate their time and money to this ministry. The purpose is to equip and raise workers for the harvest field of Christ.
What Do You Get From a Sponsorship?
As a sponsor of Hearts For The Lost you will be placed on our sponsors page with a banner and link back to your website. Also you can be featured on the sidebar of our monthly newsletter. You will also be mentioned on our Facebook page. In addition you also receive the joy of knowing your sponsorship is helping bring the gospel to the lost.
How Do I Get Started?
If you are interested in knowing more about a sponsorship please contact us.