Africa for Christ 2015
The Hearts for the Lost Team is headed to Africa! In the spring 2015, we will be going to the country of Kenya with the Hearts for the Lost team and others to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and minister a tangible touch of love to a nation in great need. We would like to ask you to partner with our team by committing to pray and financially support us as we go and answer the call of the Lord. According to the Scriptures, Jesus Christ could return at any moment for His church and we have committed ourselves to be obedient to the command and commission of the Lord to “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” (Mark 16:15). God has truly assembled a powerful team of his servants on our mission team and we are excited about being useful to His Kingdom.
Our ministry trip will include:
Three Day Evangelism Conference in Kenol, Kenya Training 300 Pastors and Leaders: We will be training and equipping 300 pastors and leaders how to share the true biblical Gospel through the Way of the Master. We will also teach and equip pastors and leaders on subjects such as: “What is the Gospel”, “Creation and the Gospel” “How to reach your family with the Gospel and raise up Godly Children” “Living a Life Above Reproach”, etc. We will also take the pastors and leaders to the streets of Kenol, Kenya to share the gospel with the lost, along with engaging in some street preaching.
Two Day Gospel Crusade: After our 3 day Evangelism Conference we will have a 2 day Crusade where we will preach to thousands the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our mission team, along with praise teams and musicians from Kenya, will gather together to proclaim the Gospel that brings freedom to the captives! [pullquote]will gather together to proclaim the Gospel that brings freedom to the captives![/pullquote]
How you can help us:
We are trusting the Lord to give us souls! We will be taking a team of approximately 10 people and will need to raise $3,600 dollars per person to cover airline tickets, lodging, ground transportation, meals, visas and cover the cost of the evangelism conference, crusade and to allow us to feed the pastors during the conference. As you can tell this will be a costly endeavor, but we believe in the God “who is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20). Would you please pray and commit with us to be a part of reaching Kenya for Christ? All donations are tax deductible and should be made to: (any amount will help us)
Hearts for the Lost Ministry (Africa for Christ 2015: Attn. Greg Moss)
C/O: __________________________________
769 Lineywood Rd. Leesville, SC 29070
To all who give a donation we will send a link showing pictures from our trip. We look forward to hearing from you and give thanks for each person who will join us in our efforts to carry the gospel all around the world.
May God bless you as you give with a cheerful heart.